Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cancer Survivorship Day!

Saturday, Kelly sat on a panel of cancer survivors at a Cancer Survivorship Day Conference. He was able to tell his story and answer question. He did a great job!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life Scout!

Levi had a Court of Honor tonight. He received a rank advancement to Life Scout. The next rank will be Eagle Scout. Great job Levi!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

He Made It!

We received a 3 page e-mail from Elder Jorgensen on Monday. He made it to Chile! He sounds great! He had a lot he wanted to tell us. He was assigned a great trainer, Elder Clark from Washington so he speaks English. Elder Clark is kind of tall and walks very fast everywhere he goes. Elder Jorgensen has to speed walk or even jog to keep up with him. It is winter in Chile so it is very cold, rainy and windy. They get up at 7am and work until 10pm. His casa has no heat and isn't insulated and is very cold at night. He loves the people and has had the opportunity to give some blessings this week. The language is coming and he can't wait to get it down. He says that he loves being in the mission field and has already had some awesome experiences.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Elder Jorgensen Arrives in Chile Today!

Elder Jorgensen and 26 missionaries left the MTC in Provo yesterday and are on their way to Chile. He called our family from the L. A. Airport. They will all fly into Santiago, Chile. He and 6 missionaries will continue on to the Chile Concepcion Mission. It was so awesome to talk with him. We got to talk for about 25 min. not long enough for any of us and we can’t wait to talk to him again at Christmas! He had lots of stories to tell and he even bore his testimony to us in Spanish. He sounded great and was very excited to finally be on his way to Chile. The last nine weeks have gone so fast I sure hope the next 22 months go just as fast!

Isaac's Senior Pictures!